Di pantai jeung anjing

Di pantai jeung anjing

 Many of us like to spend at least part of our vacation on the beach. But can a dog join us? Should you take your dog to the beach? 

Pros and cons of dogs on the beach

Arguments “for” are easy to find:

  • you do not have to part with a true friend,
  • a dog can have a lot of fun splashing in the waves, digging holes in the sand, or chasing a ball.

 But there are also arguments “against” the dog’s stay on the beach:

  1. If you don’t go to a special “dog” beach (and it’s not easy to find one), other visitors may express dissatisfaction, if not loudly indignant, which will certainly not improve your mood. Imagine, not all representatives of the human race love dogs. In addition, many beaches are decorated with a sign “No dogs allowed.”
  2. The opposite also happens: a crowd of animal lovers (including small children) gathers around the dog, not all of whom know how to properly treat human friends. And the dog might not be happy. And the pet can also be treated to a dubious yummy! Yes, and screams and noise usually annoy dogs.
  3. Not all dogs love water, and swimming after a thrown stick on command can be not fun, but a real test for a pet. By the way, high waves are a real threat to a dog, no matter how good a swimmer it is.
  4. Get ready for the fact that after the “beach therapy” you will have to get sand out of the ears, eyes and fur of the dog for a long time and dreary. In addition, if the sand gets into the eyes, they can become inflamed, and the grains of sand, clogged in the fur between the fingers, rub the paws.
  5. Many beaches, alas, are “decorated” with fragments, metal bottle caps and other traumatic debris. Moreover, you may not immediately notice that the pet was injured, and this will result in an inflammatory process.
  6. Dogs do not disdain to drink water from the river or the sea, and it is not always good for the body of a four-legged friend. In addition, water can get into the ears and eyes, which also often causes inflammation.
  7. As a rule, the beach is quite hot. And a dog, especially one with a long, thick coat or a short muzzle, can easily get heatstroke.


If you still decide to take your dog to the beach

If the pros outweigh the possible cons for you, and the dog goes on vacation with you, be sure to check what rules apply on the beaches of the resort you like. Some allow dogs to the beach only at certain times of the day (for example, late in the evening or early in the morning), some impose restrictions (as an option, move along specially laid paths without letting the dog on the sand), in some places dogs are not allowed to enter the water. Another option is to go to the “wild” beach, where you will not be able to make claims. In any case, you must follow the main rule: be sure to take a leash, food and water for your pet, a travel bowl, a towel and bedding with you. if the dog relieved himself on the beach.

In the photo: a dog on the beach

What else to consider if you are going on a trip with a dog?

Naon anu anjeun peryogikeun nyandak anjing anjeun ka luar negeri?

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