Jenis kadaharan pikeun kuya

Jenis kadaharan pikeun kuya

Ready-made balanced food is a real salvation for pet owners. No need to spend time shopping for food and subsequent cooking, studying piles of information about the right diet, the balance of components and prohibited foods, worrying about whether the pet is really getting all the nutrients it needs. Professional ready-made rations save time and money, and most importantly, guarantee the health of your pet. But everywhere there are nuances, it’s not enough just to take good food from the shelf. In our article we will talk about the features of the turtle diet. About what foods are and how to combine them.

What are turtle foods?

Conventionally, all ready-made food for turtles can be divided into basic diets, treats and special foods. The main food is selected in accordance with the type and age of the turtle. There are separate foods for aquatic (eg Tetra ReptoMin) and tortoises (Tetra Tortoise). In turn, they can also be divided into diets for small (eg Tetra ReptoMin Baby), young (eg Tetra ReptoMin Junior) and adults. 

The only downside to ready-to-eat turtle food is that you will need to spend some time training your turtle to eat non-live food.

Balanced turtle food is made from high quality ingredients: algae, fish, crustaceans, mollusks, etc. The composition depends on the type of turtle. Such feeds saturate the reptile with all the nutrients necessary for proper development. If you have chosen the right balanced food for your turtle, it would be possible not to introduce any other foods into its diet. However, a reptile’s diet should never consist of a single line of prepared food.

Do turtles need variety in their diet?

In nature, aquatic and land turtles eat a variety of foods. Their body is adapted to the digestion of various foods, their natural eating habits provide for a variety of components. To satisfy this habit at home and make your turtle truly happy, you need to dilute its main diet with healthy treats. 

What are some treats for turtles? 

If we are talking about predators and omnivores, then, basically, these are special natural delicacies from shrimp (for example, Tetra ReptoDelica shrimp), grasshoppers (for example, Tetra ReptoDelica grasshoppers), gammarus, etc. In addition to the main food, herbivorous turtles can be treated with vegetables, fruits, plants and berries. But before introducing natural products into your pet’s diet, be sure to make sure that they are fully suitable for him. You can read more about natural food in the diet of reptiles in our article “”.

In case of questions, be sure to consult with breeders and experts, but the last word should always remain with the veterinary specialist. 

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