Sabaraha endog lovebird inkubasi: hayu urang ngobrol ngeunaan durasi

Sabaraha endog lovebird inkubasi: hayu urang ngobrol ngeunaan durasi

The question of how many lovebird eggs incubate is asked quite often. And this is not surprising, given that the lovebirds were recognized as one of the most convenient birds to breed. Therefore, these pretty birds are often acquired. So how long are they busy breeding, and what does the owner need to know?

How long do eggs incubate lovebirds: let’s talk about duration

Duration incubation of offspring can be conditionally divided into several steps:

  • Speaking about how much hatch eggs lovebirds, should of course start with preparatory stage. Not without him not a single breeding season is spared. On average, it takes from 10 to 14 days. This is a dietary adjustment, and arrangement nests.
  • About 7-10 days after mating, the female carries first egg. Some believe that the bird immediately lays all the eggs, and therefore they are greatly surprised, that the egg is somehow one. In fact, the rest will appear a little later – in a day or even two. The parrot will not incubate, not yet postponed at least a couple of eggs. Usually in masonry you can count 4-7 eggs. Sometimes the female does not want to incubate at all – usually occurs in young people individuals with maternal instinct haven’t been able to wake up yet.
  • Question about how much exactly the lovebird sits on the masonry, contradictory – each owner gives his answer. Most parrot owners are called interval of 26 days. But everything is individual – accurately predict How long will this process take for each a specific bird is impossible. Usually a 3-4 week interval is given. Counts, that 27 days is the deadline and if no one has emerged from the egg during this time, so the chick is probably dead. However, wait some more time. quite possible. By the way, an interesting fact: the female does not sit on the clutch all the time, often it is replaced by a male, while the future mom takes care of herself.
  • About 2 weeks after hatching offspring parents begin actively feed babies. And, again, they do it is both male and female. Before this mother feeds them with the so-called “goiter milk.” About 40 days after hatching chicks ready to leave nest.

What is the owner to do while parrots incubate offspring

Than can the owner help the birds?

  • To help he can start at the stage of preparation. I don’t part with a period of waiting you need a cozy house. It can be like a house like a birdhouse, and hollow – that is, a cut trunk with a recess. Inside it is desirable put twigs, pre scalded with boiling water. Female next decide how best to fit them. You also need to take care of replenishment diet with protein foods – that is, adding fat-free cottage cheese, boiled eggs, germinated wheat. Recommended add and crushed non-building a piece of chalk. Preferably and extend the luminous day, leaving the lamp to work longer. It is desirable that during the breeding season daylight hours for birds lasted hours 14 – then they want to be more active for each other take care of another.
  • If masonry first, definitely necessary check where the parents took it eggs. The point is that initially inexperience they can do it outside nests. In this case, the owner must gently transfer the eggs without picking them up with bare hands.
  • While incubation occurs, the level humidity in the nest should not fall below 50%. It is advisable to monitor the indicators, spraying if necessary water from a spray bottle. What As for the air temperature, it should not fall below 20 degrees. Certainly need to ventilate the room, which is a cage with a nest, but in this case, it is impossible to create a draft.
  • drop in in the nest, when adult birds are sitting there, not worth it – they don’t like it when they distracted at such an important moment. If a need to check how they feel chicks, or want to clean up a bit, it is desirable to do so when parents are removed. For example, for to refresh. Change bedding once a week is recommended, however, so you don’t have to touch naked hands to the masonry.
  • Leftovers food must be removed immediately, and water change ideally every 2 hours. The water must be either bottled, or settled. Once a day all dishes needs to be washed and, moreover, it is useful will douse it with boiling water.

If the bird is easy to breed in captivity, it does not mean that the owner should give up on this issue. Of course, you need to be savvy theoretically, and help practically. We hope that our article will help in both of these questions.

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