pegat tungtung
Panyakit Lauk Akuarium

pegat tungtung

Fin rot (also applicable to caudal fin rot) as the name implies, affects the fins and caudal fin, leads to their erosion and, ultimately, may end in the complete disappearance of the fins and the subsequent death of the fish.


The disease does not immediately manifest itself in the form of rotting of the fins. First, red stripes or dots appear on the fins, which indicates blockage of blood vessels, the tips of the fins become unnaturally white, begin to lose structure (they are frayed into rays). The final stage of the destruction of the fins is rotting and falling off in pieces; ulcers often appear on the body of the fish.

Nyababkeun panyakit:

Fin rot develops due to the activity of various pathogenic bacteria, however, these bacteria are constantly present in water and in fish and do not manifest themselves in any way. Their negative impact is manifested only on weakened fish as a result of several negative factors or their combinations:

– injury, fin injury;

– unsuitable conditions of detention, poor water quality;

– Constant stress.

Pencegahan panyakit:

It is impossible to completely exclude the disease, but it is possible to minimize its occurrence, the main condition is to provide conditions suitable for this species of fish and the necessary water quality. Even a slight injury to the fins will not lead to illness if the fish is healthy.


There are two possible treatments: antibiotic treatment, or topical application of gentian violet (gentian violet). Both methods are recommended. Gentian violet is supplied to pharmacies in the form of a powder, gelatin capsules or in a 1% solution. For the treatment of fish, a solution should be used.

Sick fish must be carefully caught with a net and removed from the water. Treat the affected fins with a cotton swab or a cotton swab, pre-moistened in a 1% solution of gentian violet. Repeat the procedure every other day and observe the changes over the next few days – the fins should stop rotting and recovery should begin. If the situation has not changed, repeat the procedure and at the same time use antibiotics with feed.

The gentian violet solution is very coloring, so use gloves.

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