Ambastaia nigrolineata
Spésiés Lauk Akuarium

Ambastaia nigrolineata

Ambastaia nigrolineata, scientific name Ambastaia nigrolineata, belongs to the Cobitidae family. This type of charr is not often found on sale in comparison with its relatives. It has a peaceful and calm disposition. Pretty simple content. Can be used in community aquariums.

Ambastaia nigrolineata


It comes from southern China from the territory of Yunnan province. It lives in the upper reaches of the Lancang Jiang River (Lankang is the Chinese name for the Mekong River). Wild populations are also found in Laos in the Nan River, a left tributary of the Mekong.

The natural habitat can be described as small streams with a sandy substrate of clear water and a moderate current.

Inpormasi ringkes:

  • Volume akuarium - ti 80 liter.
  • Suhu - 20-25 ° C
  • Nilai pH - 5.5-7.5
  • Teu karasa cai - lemes nepi ka sedeng teuas (5-15 dGH)
  • Jenis substrat - keusik atanapi taringgul
  • Cahya - kalem
  • Cai payau - euweuh
  • Gerakan cai - sedeng
  • Ukuran laukna 7–8 cm.
  • Gizi - sagala drowning
  • Temperament - damai
  • Eusi dina grup sahenteuna 5 individu


Adult individuals reach a length of about 7–8 cm. Sexual dimorphism is weakly expressed. Distinguishing a male from a female is problematic. The body pattern consists of wide black and light horizontal stripes, the abdomen is white. At a young age, the upper light stripe has many vertical bars. On the head near the mouth there are several sensitive antennae, with the help of which the fish searches for food at the bottom of the rivers.


They accept all types of feed – the main condition is that they must be sinking and include herbal supplements. The diet may look like this: dry granules or flakes combined with frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, or pieces of earthworm, shellfish, as well as pieces of vegetables (zucchini, spinach, cucumber, etc.) fixed at the bottom.

Pangropéa sareng perawatan, hiasan akuarium

The optimal size of the aquarium for a group of 5 fish starts from 80 liters. The design uses soft soil made of sand and / or small pebbles, driftwood covered with ferns and mosses, as well as large boulders. With the help of heaps of stones, it is possible to form grottoes, crevices, where Ambastaya will hide with pleasure.

Favorable conditions of detention are: subdued lighting, moderate current and high water quality. A productive filtration system and weekly replacement of part of the water (30–50% of the volume) with fresh water will help to avoid excessive accumulation of organic waste.

Paripolah jeung kasaluyuan

Peaceful and calm appearance, combined with many fish of comparable size and temperament, able to live in similar conditions. However, ornamental fish with long fins should be avoided, as Ambastia nigrolineata can damage them on occasion. The content in the group is not less than 5 individuals. The preferred option is to purchase a flock of 10 or more.

Pembiakan / beternak

In nature, the breeding season is accompanied by an annual migration, which cannot be reproduced in home aquaria. In commercial fish farms, juveniles are obtained by hormonal injections.

Panyakit lauk

Masalah kaséhatan timbul ngan dina kasus tatu atawa lamun diteundeun dina kaayaan teu cocog, nu depresses sistim imun jeung, salaku hasilna, provokes lumangsungna sagala panyakit. Dina acara munculna gejala kahiji, mimiti sagala, perlu pikeun pariksa cai pikeun kaleuwihan indikator tangtu atawa ayana konsentrasi bahaya zat toksik (nitrites, nitrat, amonium, jsb). Upami panyimpangan dipendakan, balikkeun sadayana nilai normal sareng teras teraskeun kalayan perawatan. Baca langkung seueur ngeunaan gejala sareng pangobatan dina bagian Kasakit Lauk Akuarium.

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